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Thursday 4 December 2014

3 Potential Designs

Here are my three potential makeup designs for this particular Contemporary Elizabethan project. As I have created these, I have taken bits from each design to try and create my most desirable look for this task.

Firstly, I started off with Autumn looking colours due to the season that we are in now. It is getting colder and the colours suited my skin tone. I have created a heart shape effect with makeup at the top of the hairline to represent the hair shape they used to have in their era. It is also a 'gingery' colour which was also an extremely popular and idolised hair colour. I think this has a contemporary feel to it as I have taken ideas from a hairstyle and actually put them onto a face using makeup techniques and products. The blusher has been extended up onto the cheekbones instead of being on the apple of the cheeks as this is a far more contemporary look by including contouring. The lips have stayed plain and simple using a dark red/brown and staying within the model's lip line.

Here is my second potential design. This has more of a glamorous feel to it with the use of glitter and high pigmented colours.

The eyebrows would be blocked on this design to create the illusion of a higher forehead. There would be a white base all over the face which would be greatly powdered.

The glitter can represent the upper class of the Elizabethan's as they wore jewels and pearls to show off their class and purity. The glitter is also shaped as a heart likewise in the first design.

The eyes are left plain and simple and the main focus would be on the forehead and the lips. It would be a bright magenta colour which was ombre'd in the middle for more of a contemporary feel to it.

The cheeks would have blusher applied to them with a rosy pink lightly taken up across the cheekbones.

Last but not least, my final design. I have taken ideas from the two above and created my final design. It involves a very light skin base all over the face, and then highly contoured using browns for the shaded areas. The eyebrows would also be completely blocked out.

Any of the highlighting would be from a highly pigmented silver grease based pallet for extra shine and glamour.

This would be taken right across the forehead in a heart shape position from eyebrow to eyebrow. It would then be extended down the nose and blended.

A brown lipstick would be applied to the lips with a silver ombre in the middle. Glitter would then be applied on top of the silver in the middle of the bottom lip.

Finally, a gold grease based product would be applied on the eyelids and blended outwards. A gold glittered eyeliner would then be applied.

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